Cerro Verde COVID-19 Aid Contributes to Citizen Medal of Merit Award

August 16, 2021 - Cerro Verde’s assistance in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic in the Arequipa region and other efforts by the mining and energy industries in Peru were recognized with the Citizen Medal of Merit presented in July by then-President Francisco Sagasti.
The award, which recognizes the work of individuals and organizations that benefit the nation and community, was presented to the National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy, of which Cerro Verde is a member. The Medal of Merit is granted by the Presidency and Council of Ministers.
Sagasti made the presentation to Raul Jacob, president of the society. Jacob was accompanied by Derek Cooke, President-Cerro Verde, and other industry representatives.
“This recognition is a huge honor to the mining industry and specifically Cerro Verde,” Cooke said. “But the most important part of our teamwork is that we are helping so many people in Arequipa and Peru through this pandemic – and we are saving lives.”
During the presentation ceremony, the mining industry was recognized primarily for its donation of oxygen generating plants, concentrators and its efforts to import more than 1,000 tons of liquid oxygen for medical use to Peru from Chile due to short supplies.
Cerro Verde alone donated two oxygen generating plants to a local hospital since the pandemic began. In addition, Cerro Verde has provided oxygen cylinders, CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) ventilators, COVID-19 test kits, food, personal protective equipment and much more to thousands of people.
Photo: Derek Cooke, President-Cerro Verde, (far right) attended the ceremony to receive the industry’s Citizen Medal of Merit award with (left to right) Victor Gobitz, General Manager of Minera Antamina, Raul Jacobs, President of the mining society, Francisco Sagasti, then-President of Peru, and Violeta Bermúdez, Head of the Ministerial Cabinet.