PT Freeport Indonesia Sends Emergency Team to Assist in Recovery and Relief to West Sulawesi

February 18, 2021 - Two earthquakes rocked the Mamuju and Majene areas in West Sulawesi on January 14 and 15, causing landslides, casualties and property damage.
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources asked all mining companies in Indonesia to help, and in response, PT Freeport Indonesia sent four members of its Emergency Preparedness & Rescue team. The team joined the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources' emergency response team in the humanitarian work. The team brought rescue equipment and medical supplies and is following health and safety protocols to protect themselves and disaster victims from COVID-19.
PT Freeport Indonesia leaders continue to coordinate with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for the next steps in the disaster response efforts in the local areas. The earthquake in Majene destroyed many public facilities, including the office of the Governor of West Sulawesi, hospitals, houses and public buildings.
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Photos: PT Freeport Indonesia Sends Emergency Team to Assist in Recovery and Relief to West Sulawesi.