Julia Torreblanca Named President of Peru Mining Society

February 7, 2025 - Julia Torreblanca, Vice President of Corporate Affairs at the company’s Cerro Verde mine in Peru, was elected president of Peru’s National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy by the organization’s board of directors and will serve through 2026.
Torreblanca said she is assuming the presidency of the association at a time when there is a need for unity in Peru’s mining and energy industries. The society will continue its work to help ensure the sustainability and competitiveness of both sectors, which are critical to the economic and social development of Peru.
"For our organization, it is vital that its principles and objectives transcend the country, since we are strategic partners of the Peruvian State in the task of building a nation, with sustained development and social peace," Torreblanca said.
She added the business association is willing to work with the authorities to propose better mechanisms to formalize informal miners and stop the advance of illegal economies that, associated with organized crime, have endangered the security of all Peruvians.
"We have to unite to defend and strengthen the institutionality and the right to work and to live in peace that we Peruvians have," she said.
Torreblanca has been at Cerro Verde since 1997. In her current position, she is responsible for Legal, Government Relations, Public and Community Relations, Social Planning, Sustainability and Energy. She also serves as director of the Cerro Verde Association, in charge of managing the voluntary contributions of the company.
Photo: Julia Torreblanca is taking over as president of Peru’s National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy. She is shown here with her predecessor Victor Gobitz Colchado.